Personal data at risk when cities are attacked

January 2, 2020

Image source: Blogtrepreneur

Besides ransomware cyberattacks, others seek to steal personal data, such as social security numbers, credit card information, and home addresses via attacks on municipal governments. When successful attacks allow hackers to seize information of this kind, it is hard to estimate the consequences. At the very least, city governments should let all affected residents and businesses know immediately that their data have been compromised. 

The Fort Worth Water Department was attacked over last October. Hackers were able to steal about 3,000 people’s credit cards, names, and addresses. The attack was carried out by hacking the credit card processing tool that the department was using. Customers whose data may have been stolen have been notified by the city. 

Source: 3,000 Fort Worth Water Department Customers Victims of Data Breach (NBC DFW)